Ambassadors of Islam Course Student
Ambassadors of Islam Course Student
I want the recordings of this week as well, Last weeks lessons are still pending i'm listen bit by bit when i have free time. I'm having very hard time following the class and write notes side by side because of my 1 year old. so i'm listening the class and writing notes later by hearing again. I'm not blaming her, i'm trying my best to listen when ever i have time n cover all the lessons. I really want to complete this course. Everyone is discouraging me that i cant complete because i have small baby with me, its hard to listen n take notes. but i really wanna do it. i'm making dua everyday to Allah to help me complete this course. I want that motivation n that fear of akirah in my heart if i miss a salah or didn't wake up at fajar or didn't read quran everyday or if i do any sin which i know its bad but i still do it knowing ALLAH will forgive me. I had that fear before but now its fading. I want my iman back. So please help me to complete my course.
Jazakallahu khairan,