Respected Ustazah ji’s Message and Duas for First NurulQuran USA Campus
Alhamdulillah,With the Immense blessings of ALLAH Almighty NurulQuran is pleased to announce FIRST ONSITE CAMPUS in USA with the collective generous efforts of admins and their families, all students and their families, and extended families and whole Atlanta community in general.
This dream and dua was only possible with the Special mercy of Allah SubhanawaTala and lots of TEAM WORK. Alhamdulillah we raised $380K and we were still short of $200K to meet the target, Keeping in view many factors we decided to close the building as per our plan on 28th Feb'2019 by borrowing $200K from a generous servant of Allah Subhanwatala which we plan to return as early as possible with everyone's support and contribution before Ramadan starts. In Shaa Allah.
We pray that Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala grant all the families for their generousity and accept from all. Aameen.
Be an Ambassador of good deeds. Invest wisely for your akhirah.
Just imagine how big this investment we would be that each good deed that will be made by someone you
facilitate learning deen would go into your account on Judgement Day ?
Let us be wise in investing for our future- not only for this life, but for our long everlasting afterlife too.